"The Earth has a heartbeat, and in between each beat a silence. That silence is the time when the Earth's life force gathers strength for the next beat. You must learn to do the same. Use the silence to gather yourself."
Today was such day for me... I woke up early, around 5am. Re-read a few pages of the book "Keep Going" and am re-reading Markesovu "100 yrs of Solitude" (quite appropriate for Nepal you'd think;))
Just around 6am, I went downstairs to the front lobby to check my email. Two of the staff boys that work in the hotel were sleeping on yoga mats right by the computer! I let them sleep and returned to my room to get a scarf as it was still breezy outside so I could go on a morning walk.
Walking around Thamel, a part of Kathmandu where I'm staying is always an adventure. There's only a handful of streets but they all look alike!! It's like one of those jig-saw puzzles where colors and shapes really do like alike! And, it can be frustrating... until... until that moment you start relaxing your eyes, your mind and start noticing different colored signs higher up, way above your head! Okay, there's a pumpernickle bakery (there's only one of those, i know for sure), and there's only one Kathmandu Guest House... there's a hundred and one atms, 101 cafes, 101 bookstores, 101 mountain trekking stores, 101 jewelry stores...
It was early in the morning and you could pretty much only see store owners cleaning in front of their stores and getting things ready for another busy day. Most of the coffee shops were closed but I found Jesse James Coffee place and decided to go in.
The place was spacious with tables outside in the garden. They have lots of little flowers everywhere and of course, prayer flags are hanging from every which direction. Nepal is mighty colorful!
There's this positive madness in the city, btw!!
It surely is hectic... wait - it's MADNESS everywhere you turn. But, there's some kind of a exciting madness in the air!! People are smiling and look enthusiastic despite the ongoing car/bike horns that are tooting, despite the dusty air, despite the simplicity of everything around you and mind I say filthy roads... But, most people are excited -- all they can think of is their trip up to the mountains and the nature! (this may be just me talking :))
I know I can't wait to be in the nature!!! I can't wait to feel the fresh air... to feel cold... to feel sweaty and weary from trekking all day... to feel so tired that the moment you sit down in a mountain hut at night you fall asleep... :))
Anyway, here I was at Jesse James' coffee place, drinking coffee with milk. They refill my cup and 2 flies fly right in. Oh well, they bring another cup and tell me to use one of my postcards to cover the top of the mug. I say - but of course, and smile back ;))
I had a pile of postcards to fill out.... It felt as if I have shared my coffee time with all of you, dear family & friends around the World. That is one of the reasons I enjoy writing postcards! It always feel as if we were together for a few moments... and, I also know that most of you enjoy receiving them, and share those moments in return :))
It is a habit my parents gave me as a little girl!
And, those are some of the moments I also treasure during my travels, like seeing new places, meeting new people, and learning about new cultures! Reconnecting and keeping my family and friends close is also very important.
The manager of the restaurant approached me to introduce himself and ask if I needed anything. He noticed I was writing postcards and asked if I needed stamps. I kindly said yes. He said: No problem, madam, we will bring you as many as you need. And, so they did. I spent another hour reading a book in the sun and enjoyed listening to a group of German guys talk about their descent from the Everest camp. They were all smiles (really!) and among other things said that it was extremely windy. Bring a mask for your face. Will do! ;))
As I was walking back to Acme's Guest House, I decided to get a full-body massage at a spa place I visited yesterday. Ahhh, one hour of pure heaven ;)) Loved it! :)))
I was then off to the garden of the Guest House to continue with reading and reflecting on life, love, and lots of other things....:))
Silence... peace...
And, ... I felt my heart beat tres fort...
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