Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Life is a Journey...

Now, there's a handful of you my dear friends who may appreciate my Nepalese notes :)) (they are not religious or anything, merely simple - life related notes)...
So, this is to all of you who are facing new challenges in life (graduating schools, moving, starting new jobs, working on new projects, finishing up pre-schools and starting schools;), or whatever it may be...).

Congratulations to all of you for facing new beginnings and best of luck with mastering them/yourself along the way! ;)))

Here's a few words of wisdom from this short little book I read yesterday called "Keep Going"

"Life is a journey made one step at a time, sometimes easy and too often difficult.
We must make this journey by taking those steps. After all, it begins with a single one. Nowhere is it written that a step must be a certain lenght to matter or to advance us along our path. Nor is it written that our steps must always be strong. Life simply demands that we take one step at a time.

Sometimes we are strong and we can make long and purposeful strides.
Sometimes the road itself is so rough that all we can magnage is crawl, no matter how strong or weak we are. And as we all know, the journey itself can and does wear us down. Yet we are never diminished or set back, no matter how small, seemingly weak, or inconsequential a step may be.

Every difficulty, every storm, no matter how large or however strong it may be, can never defeat even the weakest step, because it is an expression of hope. Every step is a prayer answered. Every step is a spark that defies the darkness of despair.

Defy the darkness!" And, Keep Going!

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