Sunday, March 22, 2009

Veni, Vidi, Vici!!!

Maratona di Roma was a success, with close to 15,000 participants!!  

It was my 2nd International Marathon and I accomplished my Personal Best running time! :)))
I wasn't the fastest but I had the best tan! ;))) 

Paul (Italy) was my pacer from mid-way on, and then I finished with Massimo (Italy).  

The route of the marathon was truly spectacular!! Magnifique!!!
We started at the Colosseum and ended at the Colosseum.  Everything was well organized - sponge stops, water, gatorade and food stops on every 5 km or so. But the most spectacular side of the marathon was definitely the scenery of the eternal city of Rome!

...more to come... 


  1. Congrats on personal best!!! Very nice!

  2. Hvala Dejane!!! (just noticed this comment, izvini!)
